Enumeration tools and it’s research.

Posted: March 28, 2013 in Security/Penetration testing
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These are the lists of tools that has to be researched upon one by one, when you are serious at penetration testing. These tools have been hand-picked for using in a penetration tests. The list includes the enumeration section. Which by default means, you use these tools only for network enumeration and other information in passive information gathering, IDS testing and active information gathering, or maybe for just port scanning and enumerating your target before the actual exploitation. The first stage of any penetration tests begin with these tools, although there are things that need an explanation and a better approach to all these tools, the list has been provided here for th future people to come back here and need not re-invent the wheel with a confusion, with what tools to use for the enumeration phase. I recommend to research upon these tools so that enumeration becomes a piece of cake for anyone who is serious with his/her pentesting career. Also, I need not mention how worth information is while pentesting a target.
List of enumeration tools and passive, active and port scanning tools. List of penetration testing tools:
1.) tee
2.) Nmap
3.) rpcinfo
4.) awk
5.) netenum
6.) unicornscan
7.) scanrand
8.) nc (netcat)
9.) p0f
10.) xprobe2
11.) httprint
12.) ike-scan
13.) Amap
12.) smbgetserverinfo
13.) smbdumpusers
14.) nbtscan
15.) nat (smb-nat)
16.) dig
17.) iptables
18.) hping3
these are the only tools for now, if someone is interested, he/she may post about these tools, here in the same section (the research section), so that it goes in a systematic way, or I shall post these anyhow, at a later time.

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